Software Mummert-dissertation (SWMUMDIS)

(Diese Seite auf Deutsch)

This software collection provides procedures for aurally adapted time-frequency-representations of audio described in the dissertation by Mummert [Mum]. The part-tone-time-pattern (PTTP) procedure by Heinbach [Hei] and its variants as well as the spectrogram resynthesis by Horn [Hor] are also provided. The procedures are based on the Fourier-t-Transformation (FTT) defined by Terhardt [Ter]. Also contained in the collection are functions to generate and process time-signals and to further process the time-frequency-representations generated. The collection may be copied and used free of charge (for details see licence-template).

The collection consists of several universal C-programs and shell-scripts. These pass on data using special file-formats, mostly realizing only parts of the procedures. Simple administration of the entire procedures is provided by special scripts (front-ends) that execute all steps necessary. The front-ends are named according to the abbreviations introduced by the dissertation. Only the signal file name and a mode have to by stated to analyse, visualize and reconstruct the representation. Using individual programs on the other hand can be quite complicated as numerous parameters have to be specified.

The software can be installed on Linux- and Unix-systems (see supported systems), presently there is no experience as to which extent it is installable on other systems. All user-interfaces are text-oriented, the task of visualization is passed on to external image-viewers. The format of the audio-signals processed is `raw'. The image-format generated is `pbm' or `pgm'. Presently most runtime-instructions, source comments and documentation are written in German. The front-ends mentioned above, however, have their user-interface written in English. The sources contain README-files in English on each directory level which in a few cases provide specific documentation.

Licence template

The following text is a template for the licence text being part of the sources of each individual program. Within some programs licence term 6 has a simplified content which allows distribution of object code without any restrictions.


for the software package named


consisting of the files named


  1. You may copy and use this software free of charge.
  2. You may distribute unmodified copies of this software.
  3. You may NOT distribute modified copies of this software UNLESS you observe licence terms 5-6 and clearly mark the modification.
  4. You may NOT distribute any software incorporating code from this software UNLESS you observe licence terms 5-6.
  5. You may NOT distribute source code of this software UNLESS you retain the copyright notice(s) and licence terms 3-7.
  6. You may NOT distribute object code of this software UNLESS EITHER (a) no copyright notice of the code actually used refers to the "Acoustical Communications Group at the Technical University of Munich" OR (b) you have taken measures that the user, even after any subsequent distribution, can read the following message: This software incorporates code which implements research work carried out by the Acoustical Communications Group at the Technical University of Munich.
  7. You use this software completely AT YOUR OWN RISK. In no event will the copyright holder(s) or the author(s) be liable to you for damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use this software.
  8. This software is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

Munich, February 24th 1999


Overview programs

Front-ends for time-frequency-representation procedures

The following procedure names will be installed as links to a script named ctxadmin (C). It calls individual programs and supplies them with parameters as needed. Each procedure provides execution of analysis, visualization and reconstruction. Also, a help-text can be displayed. The time-signals processed may have sample rates of 8, 11.025, 12.8, 16, 22.05, 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz.

Front-ends for codecs

The following procedure names will be installed as links to a script named drdadmin (C). It calls individual programs and supplies them with parameters as needed. The procedures will only be simulated only, i.e. an input signal will be fed through the entire codec. Saving a compressed signal and visualization are not supported. The signals must have a sample rate of 12.8 kHz.

Analyse time-frequency-representations from time-signals

Reconstruct time-signals from time-frequency-representations

Generate time-signals

Modify time-signals

Modify and convert time-frequency-representations



User interfaces

All programs have a text-oriented user-interface just like traditional Unix-commands: They will be called and supplied with parameters for a single run only, there is no interactive change or reentering of parameters, all user input is text. For historical reasons, the programs found in the collection employ four different concepts to read parameters:

File formats

Restrictions imposed by the file formats for time-frequency-representations are the following: Levels are resolved within steps of 0.5 dB, frequencies are resolved within steps of the sample-rate of the time-signal divided by 65536, phases are resolved within steps of (2*pi)/256. Only a few programs can process data in ASCII-format.

Frequency table

The analysing frequencies at which a time-variant spectrum should be evaluated are determined by constructing a table. Because the frequencies aren't kept by the ftt-format this table has to be recalculated by each program processing this format. Programs for reconstruction from contours need a similar table to determine synthesizing frequencies.

To construct the table the following parameters are needed: the total number NFI of table frequencies, the first table frequency F0 in Hz, the table frequency distance in UNIT (Hz, Prozent, ERB, Bark oder spinc) times value DF and a step width GRID. Successive frequencies are calculated by adding at the preceeding frequency the size of UNIT in Hz times DF.

This `differential' procedure is tolerable for small frequency distances, yet fails for frequency-transformations on a large scale, with a deviation being dependent on DF. For the time-frequency-representations treated this deviation is neglectable, as long as all programs use the same table. This requires F0, UNIT and DF to be the same everywhere. To still be able to down-sample the frequency spacing (e.g. for texture-representation) the parameter GRID is provided. It specifies the distance of table indices at which spectral samples are actually written or expected. Table frequencies can be printed with fbtab. By the way: costximg converts the table into a transformation that is correct on a large scale.

Supported systems

The software was tested on the following systems:


The following Software should have been installed already:

[search-term given in square brackets to search public ftp-servers, e.g. via; numbers given don't necessarily reflect the latest version]


The gzip/tar-archive of the complete sources named swmumdis-xxxxxx.tar.gz is available at the ftp-directory for download. The file size is about 1.5 Mbyte. A subdirectory named swmumdis contains all programs for individual download. Shell scripts (all front-ends) and documentation are bundled as scripts-xxxxxx.tar.gz and doc-xxxxxx.tar.gz respectively.


Unpack using gzip and tar, then change into the directory swmumdis-xxxxxx. Call make to receive further instructions. Special options found in the Makefile are listed here in advance:

Known problems and bugs



Homepage of Mummert-dissertation and SWMUMDIS

Authors of SWMUMDIS

Copyright (c) 1998 Dr.-Ing. Markus Mummert

$Id: overview_e.html,v 1.4 2015/07/27 20:38:51 mummert Exp mummert $